Easily make payments on your Climb loan.
Create a UAS account, or sign in to make payments on your Climb loan.
UAS Connect + UAS
We (UAS) are Climb's loan servicing partner, which means we handle all payments and billing after your loan is funded. Like many lenders, Climb partners with us as a third party to ensure all borrowers receive the proper billing, reporting, and service required.
Your loan hasn't been sold to UAS. Rather, Climb utilizes our specialized infrastructure and customer support - we'll be your point of contact post-funding, but you can still feel free to contact Climb with any questions or concerns.

What does this mean for you?

While your loan was funded through Climb, you'll make all payments here through UAS.

Changes to your contact information or adjustments in your payment method will be done through UAS.

You can contact Climb for any questions related to your loan terms.
Learn more about how UAS has been helping borrowers for over 50 years.
From the start of your loan to your final payment, we’re committed to helping simplify the process of managing and repaying your student loan.
Customize your experience: Create a one-time payment or recurring payments, create alerts, and manage your account(s).
Understand your options: Explore benefits, complete benefit request forms, and let us help you stay on track for repayment.
Learn More